4 Types of Mattresses You Never Knew About!

Most of us are usually aware of the inner spring mattress or Molty foams. They are the one which are mostly used. But, there are various other types as well, which most of us are unaware about. With the innovation in materials and technology, new types of mattresses are made and manufactured in the market.

mattress Dubai

These days the market is full of different types of foams and mattresses. That’s why, it has become really difficult to get to know properly about all of them. When someone goes out to market for purchasing it, they find a lot of options and that’s what makes this purchasing a difficult task. For purchasing a best mattress Dubai is the right place. But, before visiting the market for purchasing, you must know about following mattresses which you never knew about before.

Memory Foam:

In 1970’s the memory foams were developed for pilots, to provide them better seating cushion and protection for crashes. This development and introduction were found to be very successful and effective. Thus, the engineers and designers started to deploy them in shape of mattresses as well. Now these days, it is certainly one of the most popular mattresses in the market.

Innerspring Mattress:

They are certainly an old and yet very popular type of mattress which is commonly used these days as well. In their development, the variety of steel coils are used inside a foam and is covered with different upholstery material and paddings to make them super comfortable and reliable.

Hybrid Mattress:

The name suggests itself what would be the hybrid mattress. In the development of these mattresses innerspring and memory foams are used together. These mattresses provide the benefits of memory foam and also provide the classic look as well as the feel of innersprings.

Latex Mattress:

They were introduced in 1960’s for the first time and that might be a surprise for you to hear. But that introduction didn’t end too productive for the manufacturers because the prices were very high and an average man wasn’t able to afford it. But now with the advancement in the technology has helped in bringing down the costs significantly so everyone could buy it easily. They are definitely the most reliable, durable and resilient ones so far.


These are some of the mattress types you must know about. They could be found easily in the markets these days. If you are residing in UAE, you can definitely buy these and every other type of mattress from Mattress Dubai, one of the well-known outlets around the UAE.

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